
The Elinchrom LED 100 C is Just What Photographers Need

Additional lights are some of the most useful accessories for a variety of photographers. They can help add details in low light, give a soft touch to a portrait, or even help one achieve their creative vision using colors.

How to Do the Blurry Portrait Method

There's a great trend going around right now involving an undoing of all the things that photographers have been telling you to do in the first place. It's got to do with the sharpness in a portrait.

Your Camera Doesn’t Shoot 14-Bit RAW in Electronic Shutter

If you're a huge fan of using the electronic shutter on your camera, know that you're probably not getting the best images that you can. Canon, as well as many other camera companies, tend to cut down on the depth with electronic shutter modes.

The Blurry Photo Aesthetic: How to Get It

There's that hot trend going around the web all about the Blurry Photos aesthetic. Gen Z has gotten really into buying old digital cameras that deliver those blurry shots. The reason why they're so blurry though is partially because of the pixel density and how the autofocus worked back then.

Carter Baran Makes Dreamlike, Colorful Cinematic Photographs

"It's lots of fun to see how light interacts," says young photographer Carter Baran about his vivid yet complexly lit conceptual photographs. Being gifted a fog machine some years ago got him more interested in creating photographs that resemble stills from science fiction movies and TV shows.

How to Shoot In Natural Light Without Modifiers Like a Pro

Shooting in natural light can be quite difficult. In fact, many photographers gravitate towards studio photography to avoid natural light completely. However, natural light can be manipulated in a way that will produce great work.

Helder Matias Is a Wonderful Photographer Who Doesn’t Photoshop (NSFW)

We’re streaming daily on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, and Spotify! My name is Helder Matias, I’m a 29-year-old artist from Toronto, Canada. I came across your article & am very excited to submit my work to you as I am a big fan of the blog! I am a first-generation Canadian as

Want Better Bokeh From Your Lens? You Should Try This

We all love fast aperture lenses. In the past decade, they've all gotten so much better too. The Japanese, Korean and German manufacturers all have an obsession with achieving gorgeous bokeh. So does the company that makes your phone! But they do it in a far different way.

Want Better Bokeh from Your Lens? You Should Try This

We all love fast aperture lenses. In the past decade, they've all gotten so much better too. The Japanese, Korean and German manufacturers all have an obsession with achieving gorgeous bokeh. So does the company that makes your phone! But they do it in a far different way.

“I Am My Mother”: My Photography Project About The Process Of Growing Up

Memories are our most valuable possessions; maybe because of the familiarity that radiates from within our brains each time we navigate through the deepest corners of our minds, or maybe because of the sense of safety that we get every time we relive the raw, intense emotions of our younger selves.

Here Are My Series ‘Plastification’

We are the truth behind the story. We are born, we see the world, we are curious and we explore but the umbilical cord is still attached. We made plastic.

I Take Beautiful Portraits Of Children

My name is Giedre Gomes and I'm a multi-award winning children photographer. I'm a 35 year old mom of two boys - Mario and Rocco, as well. My kids are the reason that I got into photography 6 years ago - wanted to capture every moment, every step, every milestone.

Review: Adobe Lightroom Classic CC 8 (The Software Equivalent of an Abusive Relationship)

I'm going to begin this review by stating that during my review period for Adobe Lightroom Classic CC 8, I gave the program every single advantage that it could truly have. But I'm going to stand very strongly by my next statement: I think that any photographer that continues to use Adobe Lightroom Classic CC 8 on the regular is seriously doing themselves a massive injustice and genuinely doesn't care about the livelihood of their own business--and that goes for whether you're a professional photographer, influencer, or a blogger/journalist like I am.

Lighting a Photo Shoot with 100 Mini LED Lights

We are going to use 100 Lume Cube LED lights to teach you how continuous light can be used on a set. Using continuous light on set for still photography is a great way to learn photographic concepts and getting you comfortable with lighting techniques.

These Portraits Of Insects Will Make You Look At Them In A Whole New Light

Jimmy Reid is a Scottish photographer who specializes in macro. In this series of images, he has taken portraits of insects letting you connect more with them. Who knew horseflies had such beautiful eyes or that ladybirds actually have little beards? Love them or hate them, after looking at this series there is no denying the beauty of these insects.

When to Shoot with Fuji PRO 400H and Kodak Portra 400

Curious about which between Fuji PRO 400H and Kodak Portra 400 is the best choice? What if we tell you that you can just choose both? The two films remain among the top choices for 400 ISO films, and each has its own character or look that you'd want to take advantage of for your next shoot.

The ‘Migrant Mother’ in Dorothea Lange’s Iconic Photo

Dorothea Lange’s iconic “Migrant Mother” is one of the most famous photographs ever taken. But who was the woman featured in the portrait? This 7-minute video from Today I Found Out delves in to the complete story behind the image.

Portraiture: Various Imaging Formats Visually Compared

If you were to look at the various imaging formats currently available on the market, would you be able to easily tell the difference between the bunch? We're out to prove a point in today's posts: most people most likely would not be able to tell if a photo was shot on Micro Four Thirds, Medium format, or full frame. Just take a look at this sample gallery we've put together.

Baron Walton: I Really Love Shooting Album Covers

Photographer Baron Walton is a truly creative type of photographer and he partially attributes this to being extroverted. "I develop a concept that I pitch to the artist/client. " states Baron in an email to the Phoblographer where he continues to state his work being concept driven.

The Essential Budget Portrait Kit: Nikon Photographer

Similarly to Canon, Nikon has been near the top of the photography market for some time now and as such, its always a popular choice for new photographers. As well, the plethora of options in terms of accessories and lenses makes building a budget kit in the Nikon system really doable.

Simple Lens Hack Creates ‘Bokeh Explosion’ Night Portraits

Photo lens experimenter and prolific YouTube filmmaker Mathieu Stern is at it again. This time, he took one of his old, cheap (do we even have to mention that?) Russian lenses and made one small modification to create what he calls a ‘bokeh explosion.

5 Tips For Great Portraits with Fujifilm’s Acros Simulation

One of the hallmarks of the Fujifilm digital camera system these days is their incredible film simulation profiles which not only produce beautiful colors and gorgeous black and whites, but also an incredibly real-looking and organic grain.

The Best MOO Business Cards for Photographers

Around the photo industry photographers and creatives have often turned to MOO for their business cards. It started years ago when some photographers got those little miniature half-sized cards, then the square cards, then a whole variety of them.


Lightsaber Light-Painting on a New Zealand Beach

Photographer Charles Brooks made this 30-second video showing how he recently shot a lightsaber light-painting portrait on a beach in Auckland, New Zealand. “The lightsaber is an acrylic tube with a high powered torch (1000 lumen Nitecore),” Brooks tells PetaPixel.

My Photo Shoot with Jennifer Lawrence

We all have our dreams. Some are simple, while others are complex, buried under an overwhelming mountain of hurdles. It’s not often that people live out their dreams. But, what happens when you do? What happens when you achieve every single goal in your path? How do you plan for the future when you have […]

This Photographer Built an Ice Dress for Her Maiden of Finland Photo Shoot

Look at Finland on a map (and squint your eyes a touch) and you’ll see a woman, standing strong, defiant, with one hand held high. This was the symbol Finnish photographer Suvi Sievila wanted to capture for her portrait The Maiden of Finland… but first she had to build a dress made of ice. Finland […]


How a Snapshot from 1987 Became a Book Cover in 2020

In 1987, choreographer Margo Sappington came to Houston to set her dance “Rodin, mis en vie” on the world-famous Houston Ballet at the invitation of Artistic Director Ben Stevenson. Not knowing who she was, but attracted by her energy and persona, I introduced myself. After finding out what she did and why she was in […]

Who Photographed that Colin Kaepernick Nike Image?

Nike and Colin Kaepernick broke the Internet this week with an ad campaign celebrating the 30th anniversary of “Just Do It. ” Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything. #JustDoIt pic.

Beginner Photography: Animal Interactions

Oh, hubris. I really thought this subject would be easy. I have animals! I can interact with them! How wrong I was. First, taking pictures of animals is difficult enough. They are generally fast moving, unless you know a sloth.

I Create These Dreamy Portraits Inspired By Blue Eyes

My name is Jovana Rikalo and I am fine art & portrait photographer. I love capturing dreamy portraits of female models who have bright eyes and unique beauty. Most of all, I am always looking for blue eyes.

I Bring Russian Fairy Tales To Life

My name is Margarita Kareva, I'm a photographer from the Ekaterinburg (Russia).  I started taking pictures about 5 years ago, had not even suspected that it will be my profession. Since then, I often say thanks to the Universe for giving me a passion for my life.