
These 5 Reasons Are Why Bad Photographers Think That They’re Good

At several points in our lives, we encounter people who believe they are absolutely great at what they do despite overwhelming evidence that their output is terrible. It manifests in many areas of our lives but it's especially prominent in anything that involves work.

These 5 Reasons Are Why Bad Photographers Think They’re Good

At several points in our lives, we encounter people who believe they are absolutely great at what they do despite overwhelming evidence that their output is terrible. It manifests in many areas of our lives but it's especially prominent in anything that involves work.

Why Exercise Makes You a Better Photographer

I was nervous and excited. I had just left my 9 to 5 cubicle career and jumped head-first into full-time photography. Over the next 2 months, I would be traveling all over the world with a friend in order to build my portfolio.

