As a photographer, you are taught to see different compositional elements in other people’s work, and you apply the elements that resonate with you to your own work. [Read More]
petapixel.com2024-10-18 19:26
As a photographer, you are taught to see different compositional elements in other people’s work, and you apply the elements that resonate with you to your own work. [Read More]
In this article, we’ll cover 14 unexpected compositional tips and camera techniques to take your photos to the next level. The post 14 photography composition tips that aren’t the rule of thirds appeared first on 500px. iso.500px.com »
2021-07-26 14:30
In a world of color, why would you want to create black and white photos? There are many reasons to do so, from the timeless nature of the image to the way it enhances the mood and tones in the photo. petapixel.com »
2021-05-26 19:39
If you ever had an art history, drawing, graphic design or photography class, then you’ve probably learned about the “rule” of thirds as a composition technique to use in creating more interesting photos. petapixel.com »
2021-05-20 00:30
The goal of most photography compositions is to create an image with a clear and distinct subject that creates interest for the viewer. There are many ways to create interest in a photo, but one of my favorites, and one of the easiest to accomplish, is to get closer to the subject and fill most […] petapixel.com »
2021-05-10 23:54
What do you think are the two least used, and probably most important, pieces of your photography gear? I’ll give you a hint: you can’t buy them at a camera store. This is part two in a series of videos about composition tips based on assignments I give to Introduction to Photography students at Highline […] petapixel.com »
2021-05-03 23:53
Getting the exposure right is only half of the job when it comes to landscape photography; it's just as important to have an eye-catching composition. These two elements work together to make an outstanding landscape photo that goes beyond the snapshot. thephoblographer.com »
2019-10-09 10:00
The following is a syndicated post originally found on Eric Kim’s blog. It has been published here with his permission. Syndication by Joy Celine Asto. One of the simplest and most effective compositions we can integrate into our photography are triangle compositions. thephoblographer.com »
2018-08-09 16:00
Dear friends, I want to analyze some compositions I really like from Garry Winogrand; and share how we can better incorporate more edgy compositions into our own work. thephoblographer.com »
2018-06-25 19:00
When doing photography in general, and in my case travel photography, the use of a photography template can be very beneficial and help improve the overall performance. By photography template I mean pre-defined, well-known and efficient photography composition templates that are recurrent and relevant in photography, and fit popular “good taste”. Knowing your usual and […] petapixel.com »
2017-01-10 22:25
There are rules about how to expose a scene using methods such as the zone method developed by Ansel Adams, exposing to the right to get as much detail as you can from the shadows, or even bracketing multiple exposures and creating HDR or, High Dynamic Range Images. thephoblographer.com »
2017-01-09 08:02