One of the defining features of Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 865 chipset, which we covered back in December, is its ability to shoot 8K video. We’re yet to see a device make the most of the 865 Snapdragon, but Qualcomm has shared a teaser video showing the 8K resolution in all its glory.
The device Qualcomm used to capture the video is a prototype smartphone with a Sony Sony IMX586 image sensor inside. It was captured back in November 2019 at various locations around Arizona, including the Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend and the Petroglyphs near Antelope Canyon. It’s suggested, of course, to view this in a compatible browser and on the highest-resolution screen you can find to make the most of the footage.
Below are a few BTS shots shared with DPReview:
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You can read more about the video capture and Snapdragon 865 5G Mobile Platform on Qualcomm’s blog post.
. dpreview.com2020-2-6 19:53