If you're a working photographer that uses studio lighting, then chances are that you've been considering a light like the Profoto B1X since first hearing about it. Profoto lights are already at the top of the game and all the studios use them, and what makes the Profoto B1X so special is the added versatility over the original Profoto B1 monolights.
For example, the modelling light has 50% more power for video users. Then there's the ability to do high speed sync at up to 1/8,000 and with a flash duration of 1/19,000. That's pretty insane! And then you have to remember Profoto's color consistency assurance, their Air Remote TTL system, and the solid build quality. I can go on and on about Profoto and how great their lights are and how little extra post-production work you'll need to do because of how good they are, but the truth is that some folks still have no problems with extra long post-production that I sometimes find to be unnecessary. . thephoblographer.com
2017-9-26 07:00