Samsung’s New 970 PRO and 970 EVO SSDs Are Crazy Fast, As In 30% Faster Than The 960s

It is the year 2018, hard drives are becoming less and less common in most work focused computers as significantly faster SSD storage has come down in price. SSDs (Solid State Drives) are smaller than ever and they are faster than ever, and no company right now is pushing that need for speed more in the consumer realm than Samsung and their 900 series SSDs.

The Korean electronics superpower just announced the latest addition to their 900 series family, the 970 Pro and 970 Evo SSDs, and they boast somewhat insane speeds in the 3,500MB/s range for reads and the 2,500MB/s range for writes. .

ssds than are 970 faster

2018-4-25 21:16