SanDisk и Western Digital выпустили первую в мире SDXC карту памяти 1 TБ.
prophotos.ru2016-9-27 13:30
SanDisk и Western Digital выпустили первую в мире SDXC карту памяти 1 TБ.
Western Digital has had a rough go with the SanDisk line of portable hard drives, with the latest issue causing drive failure and/or complete data loss. Western Digital has also been sued in California over this issue. »
2023-08-23 07:55
So as we always point out, still images are getting bigger and bigger, as are video files with 4K eating up a lot of space on our camera storage media. Well, Sandisk has just announced a card with enough capacity to not only record your next vlog, but to also augment your laptop's storage! »
2016-09-20 14:05