Anti-bullying organization Ditch the Label—the folks behind this 2017 survey that found Instagram is terrible for teens mental health—created a funny-but-also-very-sad video to accompany their findings.
The video is called "Are You Living an Insta Lie? Social Media Vs. Reality".
The video covers "some of the funniest and most common Insta Lies posted on social media," and they really did cover most of their bases. Some of the tropes covered include #wokeuplikethis photos, the start of a 'healthy' juice cleanse, not-so-blissful relationship bliss and lots more.
We're not sure any professional photographers use Instagram like this, but chances are good we've all. . . bent the truth on Instagram a time or two. If you can think of any common photographer Insta Lies, share them in the comments.
. dpreview.com2017-8-6 17:00