Photographer Duke Shoman has taken the idea of the private lives of our heroes and has created the breathtaking and poignant SUbPAR HEROES, a ten-piece art collection, which portrays some of the most well known fictional heroes in very human situations.
“Superheroes are the most untouchable characters in our modern mythology, we esteem them to be impervious to any kind of hardships due to their supernatural abilities allowing them to bypass situations that the common man is forced to deal with, but what if we were allowed to pull off their masks, and witness them in their daily human lives, complete with the same struggles millions of people deal with every day?”
“One can never know what personal issues someone may be battling with, whether rich, poor, powerful, celebrity, or blue collar worker. We all have our demons and every human experiences pain indiscriminately. . boredpanda.com
2017-6-8 22:03