
I Let Hundreds of Mosquitos Bite Me to Get the Perfect Photo

Like most good stories, this one is made of blood, sweat, and tears. Well, maybe just blood and sweat. And clicks — lots of them. Blood, sweat, and clicks… If you have a fear of blood or find mosquitos disgusting, read on at your own risk. As a macro photographer, I am always on the […]

The Story Behind That Iconic Portrait of Steve Jobs

Photographer Albert Watson is the man behind the iconic photo of Steve Jobs that is seen all over the Internet and on the cover of the Steve Jobs biography written by Walter Isaacson. In this 2-minute video from Profoto, Watson shares a delightful peek into the shoot itself.


The Story Behind Ansel Adams’ Iconic ‘Moonrise, Hernandez’

The Ansel Adams Gallery made this 4-minute video about Ansel Adams’ Moonrise, Hernandez, a photo the gallery calls Adams’ “most famous and iconic image. ” Sales director Brittany Moorefield shares the story behind the photo while presenting an ultra-rare mural-sized print from the early 1970s.


Google Buys Photographer’s Shot of Seagull Chomping on a Fry

You never know when one of your photos may catch the eye of one of the largest companies in the world, but social media services these days help bridge the gap between photographers and brands. That’s how one amateur photographer recently caught Google’s eye with a snapshot of a seagull eating a fry. Hannah Huxford […]

My Photo Shoot with Mike Tyson

Every so often a photo shoot comes along that both excites you and terrifies you at the same time. Today’s article is about one such experience. When I was in college—more specifically in Russian History 401 at ASU—I got a phone call and had to leave class, much to my teachers chagrin. It was Getty […]