Sunday Crossword: Baring our Skin

While it’s true that some less than scrupulous photographers use their cameras to leach onto models, that’s not true for the majority of us. Naked bodies in all their splendor, variety and vulnerability are one of the biggest sources of inspiration for any artist, as shown by all the imagery available in most museums. Shall …

sunday crossword baring our skin

2024-12-1 14:00

sunday crossword → Результатов: 2 / sunday crossword - фото

Sunday Crossword: A Crossword for Fashion Photography!

Catwalks, models, runways, flashes, cameras and excessive airbrushing all converge on one of the most visible forms of photography there is: fashion photography. Let’s get into our less scruffy looking PJs and solve this with alacrity! The Phoblographer realizes that, as a publication, we don’t always have to be so serious. So, each weekend, we … »

2024-11-24 14:00