"Tales by Light" season three is now available on Netflix

Netflix has recently released season three of its Tales by Light documentary series and reality show that follows photographers such as Darren Jew, Art Wolfe and Krystle Wright around the world, looking closely at their way of working, motivation for traveling and storytelling techniques.

Travel by Light is supported by Canon and National Geographic and is described on Netflix as a show in which 'Photographers and filmmakers travel the world capturing indelible images of people, creatures and cultures from new, previously unseen angles. '

Season three is a little different to previous seasons in so far that it only features one or two photographers over the entire season instead of a new photographer each episode. You can get an idea of what Tales by Light is about by watching the trailer above. If you are in the US you can watch the full series on Netflix now. It seems viewers in other regions might have to wait a little longer for season three to arrive.


season netflix light three tales

2019-1-4 19:45