Since the earliest cave drawings, artists have interpreted the world around them in ways that best communicate what they want the viewers to understand. [Read More]
petapixel.com2024-4-9 21:40
Since the earliest cave drawings, artists have interpreted the world around them in ways that best communicate what they want the viewers to understand. [Read More]
Capturing a snow leopard is considered by many to be the holy grail of wildlife photography. But when it comes to manipulating an image of the world's most elusive big cat, how far is too far? [Read More] »
2022-11-30 20:32
Ethics in photography is a topic that just keeps popping up. Whether it’s the latest dish on Magnum, or an argument about photographing the homeless, some days it seems you can’t turn around without stumbling across another disagreement. »
2021-03-15 21:34
We tend to treat the ethics of taking photographs in a very much black and white fashion. We judge “He should never have shot that” or alternatively “She is on firm ground shooting that, it is OK” and then arguments revolve around that, never resolving anything. We see Rules Written and Guidelines and so on, […] »
2017-05-02 20:41