Scottish distillery The Macallan has launched its latest 'Masters of Photography Series' whisky kit, this one featuring a signed print from photographer Steven Klein. This is the 6th installment in The Macallan's photography series, with each previous installment having featured signed prints from a different photographer.
This time around, 1,000 bottles of this whisky will be sold, ten of them within a bundle with an exclusive signed print.
Of the 1,000 whisky bottles made available for sale, 100 will be slated for the US market, and they will come with a $2,995 USD price tag. Pricing and availability in other countries is unclear at this time, though The Macallan encourages interested buyers to email it directly for more info. Joining the photos is a video (above) touching on the 'Time Captured' theme of this whisky kit.
The bundle itself, in addition to featuring a signed print, will include a bottle of The Macallan limited edition whisky, custom barware tools, and a striking horse's bottle stopper, all contained within a black case.
Via: PRNewswire
. dpreview.com2017-4-14 22:25