The Milk Bath Portrait and How it Changed Everything

The Milk Bath Portrait and How it Changed Everything

Through his most famous character’s lips, Arthur Conan Doyle once lamented “There is nothing new under the sun.” But he was wrong. Because I recently saw a photograph that was so utterly unique and awe-inspiring that it instantly froze the Lucky Charms-laden spoon that had been traveling toward my waiting craw. I’d just seen my […]

milk bath portrait how changed everything

2018-6-12 20:54

milk bath → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 1 / milk bath - ôîòî

I Shot a Grim ‘Milk Bath’ Self-Portrait to Capture Water Stress in Cape Town

In drought-stricken Cape Town, we’ve been living with just 50 liters of water per person per day since the beginning of the year. That’s 13.2 gallons. It doesn’t go far when you think about how often you turn on the faucet each day for drinking, cleaning, flushing toilets, showering, washing dishes, and doing laundry. Like […] »

2018-03-12 22:41