The Pioneer Who Paved the Way for Respectable Photography (NSFW)

Photographer James Ray Francis is a patron angel of the Kamoinge Workshop -- and also a pioneer who helped society accept what we do as art. His efforts helped pave the way for every single photographer that came after him.

Kamoinge spotlighted the portfolios of black photographers in a time when photography was seen as a lesser artform. Process that carefully -- and remember that there was a time where POCs were looked upon with far less reverence than they are today. Then couple that with how society doesn't show photography the adoration it deserves yet relies so heavily on. In many ways, photography still is seen that way -- but through the work of people like Francis, it's become far more respected. Along with Louis Draper, James's work delved into activism and fine art both. The fine art side of James Ray Francis is at the heart of a new exhibit at the Bruce Silverstein Gallery ending March 22nd, 2024. .

photography francis james way

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