Tim Hunkin Shows His Process for Making Large “Polaroid Style” Images Using Cibachrome

Artist and engineer, Tim Hunkin, details working with Cibachrome to produce exceptionally large Polaroid style, instant prints. Hunkin’s choice to work with the format came from his desire to have both large prints and have them immediately.

As he puts it, his process of using Cibachrome is like a “slow motion polaroid”. Hunkin shot Cibachrome images for years before tiring of them. Eventually he decided to get back into it. However, frustration ensued shortly after when he learned that Ilford, the only company still producing the film, stopped making it. The following video shows his process in achieving a Cibachrome print despite not having the ideal resources at his disposal. .

cibachrome his hunkin polaroid large process

2016-12-21 17:03