Two new A7rII vs GFX tests (close battle)

Two reviewers compared the new Fuji GFX medium format camera with the Sony A7rII. Those are their conclusions: DearSusans writes: My conclusions are that the GFX feels a tiny bit less electronic at 100% and colours seem a bit better.

On the other hand the A7RII seems a little sharper. But the real conclusion is […]

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a7rii gfx two

2017-3-31 14:26

a7rii gfx → Результатов: 4 / a7rii gfx - фото

Dpreview tests the Fuji GFX and says the advantage over the A7rII is negligible…

DPreview  added the Fuji GFX studio samples. The camera uses the Sony 51MP medium format sensor. But despite the size advantage there doesn’t seem to be a big quantum leap over the Sony A7rII: “In terms of high ISO noise, the GFX 50S performs fairly similarly to the Pentax 645Z and, as sensor size alone […] The post Dpreview tests the Fuji GFX and says the advantage over the A7rII is negligible… appeared first on sonyalpharumors. »

2017-03-13 19:23

Маленький Fuji GFX и большая Sony A7rII

Благодаря сайту Camerasize. com мы можем сравнить размер нового Fuji GFX с любой другой камерой. Новый GFX выглядит массивным, но насколько он большой в действительности? В сравнении с полнокадровой Sony A7rII он ненамного больше неё. »

2017-01-24 14:17