![Ultimate Lens Hood позволяет делать снимки через стекло без отражений](http://www.onfoto.ru/upload/iblock/fc3/1.jpg)
Ultimate Lens Hood- новый аксессуар для камеры, который позволяет снимать через стекло без отражений. Это универсальная складывающаяся силиконовая бленда, которая может растягиваться для работы с любыми размерами объективов.
onfoto.ru2018-8-3 22:05
Ultimate Lens Hood- новый аксессуар для камеры, который позволяет снимать через стекло без отражений. Это универсальная складывающаяся силиконовая бленда, которая может растягиваться для работы с любыми размерами объективов.
The Ultimate Lens Hood is a new camera accessory that helps you shoot through glass without reflections. It’s a versatile collapsing silicone cone that can stretch to fit all kinds of camera lenses. petapixel.com »
2018-07-31 21:43
It’s time to get our ultimate guides out of budget lens territory and back into the ultimate territory. So today we are going to do our ultimate lens guide for 2017. If portraits are your thing, and you are starting to think about possibly upgrading your kit while there are holiday deals or maybe at some point in 2018, then this will be a post you should see. thephoblographer.com »
2017-12-13 08:00
Well, the time has come for us to start doing our end of the year posts and one way we are planning to do that is with these ‘ultimate guide’ posts. On the docket for today is Nikon, which has had a bit of a down year, despite releasing arguably the best DSLR on the market in the D850. thephoblographer.com »
2017-11-23 08:00
Well, the time has come for us to start doing our end of the year posts and one way we are planning to do that is with these ‘ultimate guide’ posts. On the docket for today is Canon, which has continued to lead the digital camera marketplace with the dominance of their ever popular EF-based DSLR system. thephoblographer.com »
2017-11-20 14:00
We have posted a lot of great Sony guides here over the last year regarding everything from cameras to lenses, accessories and everything in-between. If you’re looking for an easy place to get some information on Sony’s E-Mount system then you are in the right place. thephoblographer.com »
2017-11-20 08:00