So, you purchased a new camera not too long ago, and you're now starting to look at new lenses. You know you prefer zooms over the idea of primes, but what lenses do you start looking at? Honestly, standard zooms or those with a focal range between 24-80mm on Full-Frame cameras are a great place to start.
If you shoot with APS-C, 16-55mm lenses are great, and 12-40mm on Micro Four Thirds cameras will fit the bill nicely. Compared to kit lenses, any non-kit lenses you buy will yield a huge return on your investment. You'll immediately see the difference in image quality, build quality, and overall performance. The great thing about standard zooms is that they cover some of the most widely used focal ranges. We'll take a quick look at five standard zooms across different platforms that we highly recommend in this roundup. .
2021-1-11 02:00