I live in Poland (Rumia). I've been taking pictures for four years. I am an amateur.
boredpanda.com2017-3-14 18:07
I live in Poland (Rumia). I've been taking pictures for four years. I am an amateur.
There's a major problem with modern macro lenses. In fact, there are a bunch of problems. Lots of them are telephoto lenses with a fast aperture. And if you focus down to macro ranges, you have to stop the lens down or use focus stacking. thephoblographer.com »
2022-05-09 13:00
If you are not doing a lot of macro photography, purchasing a dedicated macro lens may be costly ($200 to $500). We found this Youtube video by MetaTaylor showing the use of a diopter lens as a much cheaper yet feasible alternative for close up shooting purposes. thephoblographer.com »
2016-12-22 20:05