Vintage Camera Review: Leica M4-P (Leica M Mount)

If you ever happen to stumble on a deal like I did with the Leica M4-P, then snag it as soon as you possibly can. In many ways, the Leica M4-P is one of the most perfect all analog cameras. While the Leica M6 goes a step further and incorporates the inclusion of a working light meter while allowing the camera to operate completely and totally mechanically at all shutter speeds, the Leica M4-P is essentially the Leica M6 without a light meter.

And if you're like me, you don't always need a light meter because you've shot so often that you know and understand how Sunny 16 works or you've got an app on your phone that will help you figure that out with ease. .

leica m4-p meter light

2018-3-27 07:00