from childhood, I was very keen to click. back then, I didn't have any camera or phone camera. so when I got my first camera phone (HTC one X) in 2013, I started clicking.
boredpanda.com2017-7-19 09:38
from childhood, I was very keen to click. back then, I didn't have any camera or phone camera. so when I got my first camera phone (HTC one X) in 2013, I started clicking.
We talk a lot about timelines — when you should get your education, where you should be in your career, how old you have to be when you get married, and the age when it's OK to start having children. »
2019-10-18 12:48
It’s an age-old question: how are you supposed to get hired as a photographer when clients are only looking for photographers who already have experience? World-renowned photographer and entrepreneur Chase Jarvis has an answer for you. »
2016-11-08 21:43