Most folks try to photograph other airplanes from the ground, but Bradley Wentzel is a special type of creative. He photographs from the air. This isn't just a photography job, but also one of complete orchestration.
"Directing aircraft in flight was the biggest learning curve," says Brad. "With most other subject matter, you have the freedom to walk around, crouch, move forward and backwards, etc. pretty freely, but when you are in the air with another aircraft, those basic functions can become difficult. There’s no room for guess work or error when planes are just a few feet away from each other so there is a lot of planning ahead of time with all of the pilots and people involved. " If that doesn't sound like a lot of pressure to you, then we're not sure what does. In fact, I originally thought Bradley was piloting and photographing at the same time. But this sounds even more intense. .
2020-7-30 07:00