So, Who Owns a Photo Expanded by Adobe Generative Fill?

So, Who Owns a Photo Expanded by Adobe Generative Fill?

By this point, you've probably seen Adobe's beta of Generative Fill in Photoshop, which allows you to expand a photo beyond its original borders. It is an incredible feat of technology, but brings up complicated questions: who owns that new, expanded photo? Is it copyrightable? [Read More]

who owns photo expanded adobe generative fill

2023-6-2 23:52

who owns → Результатов: 1 / who owns - фото


Who Owns the Copyright to Your X-ray?

A friend recently posted an X-ray of his ankle replacement on Facebook, which led me to wonder “who owns the copyright” to that image? In the U.S., HIPAA (Health Insurance portability and Accountability Act of 1996) typically confers the ownership of medical records to the healthcare provider that created it, but The Privacy Rule gives […] »

2018-01-18 21:44