
10 Incredible Women Photographers Redefining The Medium Today

We’ve often emphasized how women artists provide a remarkable perspective in the arts. From Julia Margaret Cameron’s enchanting portraits and Anna Atkins’ groundbreaking photo book on algae to Dora Maar’s surreal photographs and Dorothea Lange’s poignant depictions of The Great Depression, these women photographers have demonstrated their ability to convey nuanced narratives about the world. …

16 Iconic Women Photographers Who Shaped Photography As We Know It Today

As a woman photographer, I feel I would not have made it to where I am had there not been for those who came before. Today, women continue to fight for their place in the photography circle, but sometimes, we tend to forget the contribution of those who stood against a narrow-minded, patriarchal society to create works that were never deemed artistic enough.

A Playboy Photographer on Making Art; Not Content

"I feel the work I do definitely is categorized as art," says photographer Carianne Older to the Phoblographer in an interview. "I am taking timeless photos for people that will live forever. A lot of people out there are just taking iPhone photos or videos for the sake of content.

Pancake Lenses Could Solve the Digital Camera’s Biggest Problem

"I don't want to buy something that I'll use for a week, and then it'll just sit on my shelf in my room, you know?" That's what a local barista told me today before I was writing this article. She's very interested in Fujifilm cameras, and she's seen what I bring into the shop before.

Nicole Taylor DeWitt is an Advocate for DIY Film Developing

"1. "I'm really pleased to say that I have seen a substantial uptick in women's self-made leadership roles in the film photography community since beginning my career," says photographer Nicole Taylor DeWitt, who runs Hi Desert Film lab.

Khadejeh Nikouyeh Gradually Fell in Love with Sports Photojournalism

"I had no excuse and I wanted to make her proud," says North Carolina photojournalist Khadejeh Nikouyeh. Referencing the touching moment she remembered her late mother and signed up for a college photojournalism program, she remembers the sacrifices her parents made for her.

Dorota Gorecka Fell In Love With Photography Using An Empty Studio

"My intention is to get the viewer interested in what the model is thinking," says Dorota Gorecka of Poland when I ask her what gets people so engrossed in her portraits of women. She began playing with photography equipment in the unused studio at the advertising agency she worked at.

It’s 2021, and Diversity in Photography Is Still a Struggle

As the Arts & Culture editor of a leading photography publication, it's my responsibility to ensure we remain as diverse as possible. It's not only my doing. All the staff here at The Phoblographer remains committed to showing the best photographers from all walks of life.

Did Canon Philippines Make A Misogynistic Choice?

Wouldn’t it be nice if the powers that be in the industry had the fortitude to admit they don’t value women? Each new offense is a middle finger salute, and the reaction to remedy them is increasingly hollow.

Project #ShowUs: 500px Commercial Grant Recipients

The 500px Commercial Grant: Project #ShowUs was shot and produced as part of the Dove, Girl Gaze, and Getty Images larger, Project #ShowUs campaign. The Project, which was first launched in 2019 has been recognized for its creative and disruptive approach to challenging beauty standards.

20 Women Photographers to Inspire You Through 2020

There are many reasons to highlight the work of women photographers. Our reason is simple; we love to show off greatness. As one of the photo industry's leading publications, we're fortunate enough to be exposed to talented women photographers all the time.

Inspiration: 20 of Our Favorite Women Photographers for 2019

“Just 20” we thought to ourselves when putting this list of women photographers together. “It’s going to be so hard to not go over that number!”. That’s because we know the amount of female talent in our industry is almost endless.

Sony Announces Alpha Female Creator-in-Residence Contest Winners

Sony Electronics Inc. recently announced the winners of its Alpha Female Creator-in-Residence Program Contest, which is part of its "Be Alpha" campaign flagship initiatives. Out of over 6,000 entrants, the five winners were chosen to receive funding, mentorship, Sony digital imaging products, and other perks. 



100 Women on 500px you need to follow

We are excited to feature 100 500px female photographers from around the world—from India to China, Canada to the United States, their work is incredible. The post 100 Women on 500px you need to follow appeared first on 500px.