16 Iconic Women Photographers Who Shaped Photography As We Know It Today

As a woman photographer, I feel I would not have made it to where I am had there not been for those who came before. Today, women continue to fight for their place in the photography circle, but sometimes, we tend to forget the contribution of those who stood against a narrow-minded, patriarchal society to create works that were never deemed artistic enough.

Some have been forgotten over time, but there are a few whose legacy continues to live on. So, this Women's History Month, we look at women photographers who have redefined the medium. .

who women have

2025-2-28 14:00

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Ôîòî: petapixel.com

How to Pose Women Who Aren’t Models

Photographer Anita Sadowska made this helpful 14-minute video in which she shares tips and tricks for photographing women who don’t have any experience modeling and posing for the camera. With the help of photographer Irene Rudnyk, Sadowska demonstrates a number of simple poses and ways to think about making your subject look their best in […] petapixel.com »

2019-04-09 17:02