Lensbaby has brought yet another cool lens to the market and the new optic, called the Sol 45mm, is set to take bokeh to a whole new level. The Sol 45mm is available to buy now in various lens fitments.
The Sol 45mm can be used to create a zone of focus, which is surrounded by creative blur. Lensbaby explain that photographers ‘identify a subject in frame, bend the lens toward it, rotate the focus ring to bring subject into focus and shoot, ultimately creating a tack-sharp circular area of focus surrounded by bold blur and smooth bokeh. ’
The lens helps add creative blur to the frame.
What’s more, photographers can also add another level of bokeh by utilising the lenses front bokeh blades, which are located on hinged arms hiding at the edge of the lens and all the photographer has to do is swing them into the lens’s field of view. Lensbaby explain; ‘these bokeh blades add subtle lines of texture in-camera to the bokeh, creating stylized texture effects that many photographers only experience post-edit. ’
The lens comes in two versions; one for mirrorless and a larger version for DSLR.
The Sol 45mm is a fixed aperture lens suitable for both DSLR and mirrorless cameras and can be used with full-frame or APS-C sensors. Available to fit Canon EF, Nikon F, Pentax K, Fuji X and both Sony A and Sony E mounts, the Sol 45mm is just the latest in the ever-expanding Lensbaby range.
Photographers can fine-tune the effect using the bokeh blades.
The Lensbaby Sol 45mm will cost $199 and is available to buy now.
The Sol 45mm is great for portraits as well as landscapes.
. digitalrev.com2018-8-9 03:00