Apple announces new 24" M1-powered iMacs in an array of bright new colors

Apple announces new 24 M1-powered iMacs in an array of bright new colors

At today's 'Sping Loaded' event, Apple announced, amongst other products, a redesigned line of 24” iMac computers, powered by its M1 processor. The new iMacs mark the first major iMac redesign in almost ten years and brings back colors we haven’t seen since the now-iconic iMac G3 desktop computers.

The new iMac features a 24” 4. 5K display with 11. 3-million pixels. The display covers P3 gamut, has a maximum brightness of 500 nits and has a coating on the glass in front to minimize reflections. Apple has also updated the camera and microphones inside the iMac, adding a 1080p camera with a larger sensor and a three-microphone array. Apple says the new sensor works with the image signal processor inside its M1 chip to get the most out of the sensor, similar to the machine learning-powered technology inside Apple’s latest iPhone devices.

With the new design comes a new magnetic power adapter with a unique feature — the ability to plug the ethernet cable directly into the power cable brick, negating the need to plug it directly into the back of the iMac.

Apple has also updated its Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad accessories. In addition to matching the colors of the new M1 iMacs for all of the devices, Apple has also made three distinct Magic Keyboards. The first one is a basic Magic Keybaord that features an identical layout to that found on the iPad Pro Magic Keyboard; the second one features the same layout and includes a built-in Touch ID button and the third features the Touch ID button and addes a number pad.

The new iMacs come in two models: one with a 7-core GPU and one with an 8-core GPU. The 7-core iMac models starts at $1,299 with an 8-core M1 CPU, 8GB of unified memory, 256GB of SSD storage and two thunderbolt ports. The 8-core GPU iMac models start at $1,499 with an 8-core CPU, 8GB of unified memory, 256GB of SSD storage, two Thunderbolt ports and two USB-C ports. Memory and storage can be increased for additional costs for both units. The 7-core iMacs come are limited to blue, green, pink and silver colors, while the 8-core units include yellow, orange and purple.

The new 24” M1 iMacs will be available to order on April 30 and are expected to ship in the second half of May. You can find out more information about the iMacs on Apple's website.


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2021-4-20 21:05

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