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2017-4-26 16:30

Apple is releasing its Live Photos API, which means more moving photos in more places

Apple has revealed the API for its Live Photos feature, meaning more app and web developers will be able to support the company's short 1. 5 second video 'moving photo' video clips. Apps like Facebook are already able to display Live Photos for users running iOS 9, but making the API available will allow any developer who wants to put a Live Photos viewer on their website or in their iOS app to do so. dpreview.com »

2017-4-21 23:19

Drone sales doubled in 2016, premium features help push sales

According to a report by analyst firm The NPD Group, U. S. dollar sales of drones more than doubled in the 12 months ending February 2017. Premium drones, which are defined as drones that cost $300 or more, drove a large portion of the growth for most of the year but during the holiday season drones with a price tag between $50- $100 saw a significant increase in sales as well. dpreview.com »

2017-4-13 20:16

Ep. 163: Target Trickery or Just Premature Shenanigans? – and more

Episode 163 of the PetaPixel Photography Podcast. Download MP3 –  Subscribe via iTunes, Google Play, email or RSS! Featured: Photographer and digital artist, Erik Johansson In This Episode If you subscribe to the PetaPixel Photography Podcast in iTunes, please take a moment to rate and review us and help us move up in the rankings so others interested in […] petapixel.com »

2017-3-30 11:42

How My Approach to Street Photography Has Changed After More Than a Decade of Photographing New York

The time-honored approach to improving one's photography has always been time spent out there taking pictures. Education, gallery shows, and reading photography books can do wonders for a person's development, but there is nothing that comes close to the importance of just going out there constantly for a long period of time. thephoblographer.com »

2017-3-28 19:02

I Gave Instant Photos To More Than 60 Tanzanians Who Don’t Have Them And Captured Their Smiles

My name is Julia and I'm a Belarusian amateur photographer currently living in Prague. There is a Swahili expression "Watu sio milima" which means "People are not mountains". Every time when I prove that I'm not a mountain and travel from one place to another I see this world from a new perspective and become a bit better. boredpanda.com »

2017-3-18 16:37

How To Use White Balance Creatively

Unless you’re constantly working in problematic lighting conditions, there’s a good chance you'll typically have your camera’s white balance system set to auto. Many cameras do a decent job here, particularly under natural light, and most people are well aware that rectifying any minor issues is straightforward enough when processing raw files. digitalrev.com »

2017-3-11 03:00

CP+ 2017: the weird, wonderful, and everything in between

Best of CP+ 2017 in Japan While there weren't a lot of new announcements at CP+, the theme of the show seemed to be glass: Sigma launched four new lenses, Tamron showed off two, Pentax announced the development of two full-frame primes, Fujifilm showcased a line of affordable cinema primes for Sony E-mount users and a ton of third-party brands had their latest glass creations on display. dpreview.com »

2017-3-1 14:00

Get More Performance Out of Your X-Trans Sensor with This Free Software

In my previous article on the difficulty FujiFilm’s X-Trans sensor has preserving fine color detail, I used the free software Darktable to process the RAW examples. I showed how, specifically in terms of color detail, Darktable was able to do a better job than FujiFilm’s own processing. (I also pointed out the compromise between color […] petapixel.com »

2017-2-13 21:12

Apple selling more Plus models than ever

Apple's financial results, which will be released tomorrow, show that in Q4 2016 Apple has sold more iPhone 7 Plus units than any of the preceding Plus models in previous years. The Plus model has a larger screen, more RAM and a bigger battery than its standard counterpart but we'd suspect the iPhone 7 Plus dual-camera with its 2x optical zoom factor and portrait mode has a lot to do with consumers increasingly opting for the more expensive iPhone variant. dpreview.com »

2017-1-31 21:58