Adobe has announced an update for Premiere Pro that dramatically improves exports for 10-bit 4:2:0 HEVC video, speeds up smart rendering, improves playback of QuickTime screen recordings and adds the ability to create HDR proxies of your media.
The most substantial update in Premiere Pro version 22. 4 is the improved export speeds for 10-bit 4:2:0 HEVC video. Now, Premiere Pro leverages hardware encoding support for Intel and M1 macOS devices, as well as Windows devices with AMD GPUs, to speed up exports by up to ten times.
A benchmark graphic from Adobe showing 10x faster exports for 10-bit 4:2:0 HEVC on AMD GPUs on Windows. Click to enlarge
A benchmark graphic from Adobe showing 10x faster exports for 10-bit 4:2:0 HEVC on macOS. Click to enlarge
Adobe has also improved both playback and scrubbing of QuickTime screen recordings, and it’s now possible to generate medium- and high-resolution proxy copies of your media in the correct color space, which lets you get an idea of what the final footage will look like while improving editing performance. Other improvements include faster smart rendering exports, support for GIFs with transparencies and the ability to evenly adjust the spacing between text and shapes in titles and graphics using a new distribution tool.
You can now add transparent GIFs to your video.
Premiere Pro version 22. 4 should be available to download using the Creative Cloud app for macOS and Windows. A compatible Creative Cloud subscription is required to access Adobe Premiere Pro.
. dpreview.com2022-5-13 15:06