“Character Conceptual” Studies Imaginary People in Everyday Situations

Need some inspiration for portrait photography or visual storytelling? If we were to sum up what makes the duo behind Kremson Johnson Photography worth following, it's their knack for creating characters with unique stories to tell.

A lot of their projects show this, but for those who are just discovering their works, we think their set called "Character Conceptual" makes a great primer.

As the title suggests, "Character Conceptual" is a series of portraits where Los Angeles-based Neil Kremer and Cory Johnson tell the stories of their imagined characters. Guided by this ongoing theme or category within their body of work, each portrait is a testament to the qualities that make their creative vision exemplary. Playful, quirky, and sometimes offbeat, their style is refreshing and inspiring for any photographer or creative with a taste for visual storytelling. .

their character conceptual

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