ExperimentalOptics has launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund the production of what it claims is the 'smallest fastest pancake lens in the world. ' The 35mm F2. 7 lens is measures just 7mm thick — the same height as exactly 4 quarters stacked on top of one another — and weighs 40 grams/1.
4 ounces. Although most of the testing for the lens was done on full-frame mirrorless cameras — Sony from the looks of it — ExperimentalOptics says the lens really shines on APS and smaller cameras. On APS-C and APS-H cameras, the lens is equivalent to roughly 50mm, while Micro Four Thirds gives it an equivalent focal length of 70mm.
The lens, which is milled from a solid piece of metal has no moving parts and features a native M39 mount. It can be used with almost any camera though when paired with an optional helicoid adapter.
'This is not a cheap, low quality, low speed toy lens,' says ExperimentalOptics on the campaign page. 'It is a high quality, fast lens, [that gives] you the utmost creative possibilities of speed, selective focus and bokeh – and all in an unobtrusive and uncompromisingly compact body that never gets in the way of your creative expression. '
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To find out more information and to secure your pledge, head on over to the Kickstarter campaign. A pledge of € 1,199 (approximately $1,390) will get you the 35mm F2. 7 lens, a handmade lens pouch, a manual and free worldwide shipping. It's set to ship in 'late 2018. '
If you want to see more sample photos from the lenses, ExperimentalOptics has shared a gallery of sample images on its Flickr page.
. dpreview.com2018-9-11 18:58