At the beginning of the 19th century, an industrial revolution was underway in the area. However, the factories in Verviers did not process coal or iron ore. Instead, they focussed on fabricating wool from sheep.
boredpanda.com2020-7-10 14:10
At the beginning of the 19th century, an industrial revolution was underway in the area. However, the factories in Verviers did not process coal or iron ore. Instead, they focussed on fabricating wool from sheep.
It's been a long time since the thought of exploring this crematorium made its way into my curious mind. Still, every time I tried to enter, all sorts of difficulties prevented me from doing so. boredpanda.com »
2021-03-24 19:57
No trip to Japan would be complete without a trip to a traditional Japanese bathhouse called an onsen. boredpanda.com »
2020-05-11 14:13
My name is Romain Thiery and I am a professional photographer specializing in abandoned pianos photography in Europe. While searching for abandoned pianos, I was lucky enough to photograph a castle in France which has been abandoned for several years. boredpanda.com »
2020-03-30 20:19
My name is Romain Thiery and I am a professional photographer specializing in abandoned pianos photography in Europe. While searching for abandoned pianos, I was lucky enough to photograph a castle in France which has been abandoned for several years. boredpanda.com »
2020-03-30 20:19
I traveled to northern Italy in the summer of 2018. A summer road trip filled with awesome memories. I zig-zagged across the country, following our map chaotically littered with pins. boredpanda.com »
2020-02-27 16:32
Since 2009 I travel around Europe to find the abandoned pianos. Here are the ones I found in Germany since 2014. boredpanda.com »
2019-11-05 16:34
Sneaking into abandoned places is always the high-adrenaline idea. Especially if those places have the story, in this case- really strong one! Place and details you will see in these photos are from the richest coal deposit in South Serbia, near Aleksinac. boredpanda.com »
2017-10-09 17:02