Google has pushed out yet another big update for its Google Photos mobile platform, this time adding messaging support. In an announcement on its blog today, Google explained that users have requested an easier way to quickly share individual images with friends and family, something now made possible with the addition of sharing in private conversations.
Until now, Google Photos users had two options for sharing images and videos from the app: by either creating a new album that featured only one image and sharing the link with another person or downloading the image and sharing it using a dedicated messaging app like Messenger or WhatsApp. Both methods are too clunky and time consuming for many users.
Google says the new private conversations feature will arrive on iOS, Android, and the Web. Once available, users will be able to directly share individual images and videos within Google Photos by tapping the 'Share' icon located below the content followed by selecting the recipient's contact from the resulting menu. Users can send chats alongside the images and videos. The feature supports group chats and reactions.
Google says the new sharing option isn't meant to replace dedicated messaging apps; rather, it is simply designed to make sharing content from Google Photos very simple. Recipients can download shared content from private conversations and save the content to their own galleries. The feature will roll out 'gradually' to users over the next week.
. dpreview.com2019-12-4 22:44