Contrast--that's one of the things that I think of when we talk about Samyang lenses. The Samyang 45mm f1. 8 is no exception here. For a super affordable price point, you're getting a character in a lens.
It doesn't have some of the features that licensed companies have, but with the addition of the Samyang Lens Dock, you can make your own additions and adjustments. If you're a hobbyist, you're going to love this lens. Most of those folks care just about image quality, bokeh, and having a fast aperture. In fact, this is the closest thing to an alternative nifty 50 on Sony. If you're a person that wants something in between a 35mm and 50mm field of view, the Samyang 45mm f1. 8 could be exactly what you're looking for. .
2020-7-31 07:00