Some photographers like 50mm lenses. Others, like me, are bigger fans of the 35mm field of view. And now, we've got the new Nikon 50mm f1. 4 Z. This is an entry into the character lens lineup that the company offers.
Now, Nikon has this lens along with a 50mm Macro, 50mm f1. 8 S, and 50mm f1. 2 S. The latter two are meant for clinical image quality applications which the macro is designed for an affordable audience. But this new Nikon 50mm f1. 4 Z has charm that we don't see with many other lenses. That's because the Japanese manufacturers are so incredibly overly obsessed with clinical quality. So we see this lens as a celebration akin to when the Wright Brothers were called crazy for wanting to fly a plane. The Nikon 50mm f1. 4 Z is a lens for dreamers. And even so, I think Nikon is holding back. .
2024-9-10 07:01