"I see, experience, and notice things that are calm and serene," says Hannah Gabrielle More. She adds, ". . . so I funnel all that into what I capture. " Hannah is a London based travel photographer.
However, she's often finding a home away from home as she travels the world on a variety of assignments. We connected to her minimalist themed travel photographs because they're easy on the eye and calming for the mind. They're beautiful, and they make us want to put ourselves in the world she is capturing - or at the very least purchase a print and put it on the wall! But while they're simplistic in design, they're complex in creation. Hannah is an extremely hard-working travel photographer, and she is meticulous in her approach. She ensures no stone is left unturned during the process of developing her work. . thephoblographer.com
2019-8-28 16:00