How Good Is the New Fujifilm 23mm F1.4 R WR LM?

I've been eyeing the new Fujifilm 23mm f1. 4 R WR LM for a while now. My heart was broken when it was delayed, but now it's finally in my hands. The new lens addresses a bunch of concerns nearly a decade since the original was introduced.

At the top of the list is the significantly faster autofocus performance. This lens has a new linear motor that makes this lens speed even on the old X Pro 1. Meanwhile, the character comes through on the new X Pro 3 while showing off how sharp this lens really is. And finally, it boasts weather sealing. At the time of writing this piece, I've spent 24 hours with the new lens. Believe it or not, I'm still going to keep the original. .

lens was

2022-3-20 13:00

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