How Many of You Know the Blue Cellophane Rangefinder Trick?

I've known about this trick for many years now and always thought everyone else did too. But the truth is that most people do not--especially those who are new to photography. If you shoot with a Leica, Voigtlander, Canon, Zeiss, Zorki, Yashica, or Olympus rangefinder, then you're in luck! Besides doing a CLA (Clean Lube Adjustment), there are better ways to make your rangefinder more visible.

Older rangefinders didn't have bright patches, or they deteriorated over time. And to make it appear even brighter, there is a little trick. It involves blue cellophane, and the viewfinder, not the rangefinder. Let's dive into the blue cellophane rangefinder trick then!.

rangefinder trick cellophane blue

2020-10-8 07:00