Every October, thousands upon thousands make their pilgrimage towards Manhattan's west side to the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center to attend New York Comic-Con as the annual celebration of their diverse fandoms, ranging from comic books, video games, movies, tv shows, pop culture, and everything in between.
Last year's NYCC had a record-breaking attendance of a quarter of a million people, and that number will likely increase this year. What was once considered geeky or nerdy are now woven into the fabric of pop culture itself, and in recent years, more and more people are now openly embracing and expressing their love of the numerous fandoms of which they're a part of. For many convention-goers, cosplaying - the act of dressing up as and embodying their favorite characters - have become a rite of passage. The rise of cosplaying's popularity has also led to an influx of photographers attending conventions like New York Comic-Con, whose main objective is to capture images of the many cosplayers roaming around the convention hall. If you happen to be one of these photographers, this article was written with you in mind. . thephoblographer.com
2019-10-2 07:00