My name is James Henderson. Feathers are seen by everybody, but not many people stop to look at them. Children prize them when they find them in the garden or on the street, and many adults will stop for a quick look.
But how many of us really look? As Mary Poppins says, “When will you learn to look past what you see?” Using a macro lens lets us get a vantage point that we don’t generally get. It’s a chance to appreciate the shape, color, texture, and “life events” of the feather. Sometimes the prints are seen and thought they are pure abstract art. So often, when people think about macro photography, they think about pictures of bugs. I don’t do bug photography. Humans simply aren’t accustomed to seeing feathers in that scale or that close. Also, not many people do focus stacking, so that opens up some enhanced abilities for depth. .
2021-6-30 01:00