Jollylook is the First Cardboard Folding Instant Film Camera

Jollylook is the First Cardboard Folding Instant Film Camera

Jollylook is a new vintage-style folding camera for shooting Fuji Instax Mini instant film. It’s also the first camera of its kind to be made of cardboard and recycled paper. “Jollylook uses less materials than used in the packaging of a regular camera,” the Ukrainian startup says.

“Jollylook is as dangerous to the environment as […].

jollylook camera

2017-2-1 22:28

jollylook camera → Результатов: 1 / jollylook camera - фото


This instant camera is made almost entirely of cardboard

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2017-02-01 12:00

The Jollylook: A Vintage Style Instax Film Camera Made from Cardboard

Everytime a new Instax camera gets announced, it's a genuinely great reason to get excited: and a new Kickstarter called the Jollylook wants to inspire to many others. The Jollylook is a foldout camera made from recycled paper and cardboard with some glass elements for the lenses with the shutter and aperture are made of thick paper and laminated cardboard. »

2017-01-31 16:54