The Pixl-latr flattens film on a diffused surface so that it can easily be photographed with a conventional digital camera. The analog revival continues unabated, and a new product - the Pixl-latr - could provide a long-awaited easy solution to the challenge of converting film to pixels.
Just launched on Kickstarter, at its core the Pixl-later is a diffusing plate which comes with a series of pins and frames that can flatten 35mm, 120mm (up to 6x12) and even 5x4 sheet film to be photographed with a digital camera - it even comes with a small stand to prop your negative up.
120 film being loaded into the Pixl-latr.
The idea for the Pixl-latr came to creator Hamish Gill (of 35mmc fame) when he realized the lack of affordable 5x4 film scanning solutions. He decided to create something that could easily flatten his film to be photographed, rather than scanned. Anyone who's tried to photograph negatives knows what a pain getting them flat can be - the Pixl-latr seeks to solve this very annoying problem.
Through Kickstarter, the Pixl-latr can be yours for the 'Super-Early Bird - Supporter Special' price of
Personally, considering the time and effort I
Read more about the Pixl-latr and support the Kickstarter
. dpreview.com2018-6-19 18:38