Watch Old-School Single-Use Flash Bulbs Explode in Slow-Mo
YouTuber Alec Watson of Technology Connections explored the fascinating history behind the single-use camera flashes of days past -- and it's a blast. [Read More] »
Slow-mo - Последние новости | |
YouTuber Alec Watson of Technology Connections explored the fascinating history behind the single-use camera flashes of days past -- and it's a blast. [Read More] »
Here’s a neat slow-motion video shot on an iPhone from inside a moving car. The birds in the sky are seemingly frozen in time, making it look like the world outside has come to a standstill. Davi Junior of Brazil was traveling from Orlando to Miami on Florida’s Turnpike when he noticed the birds circling […] »
Компания Vision Research представила новую камеру для высокоскоростной съемки – Phantom v2640. Этот монстр имеет CMOS-матрицу с разрешением всего 4 мегапикселя (2048 x 1952 точек), но может записывать видео со скоростью 6600 fps в полном разрешении. »
Here’s a 2-minute video in which cinematographer Matthew Rosen explains how he pulled focus at high speed for detergent ad. The shot was of falling detergent powder, captured at 1500 frames per second with a Phantom Miro camera. »