Photographing Portland: The Photojournalist Who Was Shot in the Chest

The on-going tensions between the people of Portland and its law enforcement have been a polarizing topic in America. Some feel the aggression from the police is justified, viewing it as a direct response to violence committed by a section of the protesters.

On the flip side, many believe this is a total abuse of power by those employed to protect. Naturally, events such as this attract wide media attention. A major part of the coverage is photography, something we, of course, want to focus on. .

photographing portland photojournalist who was shot

2020-8-29 13:00

photographing portland → Результатов: 1 / photographing portland - фото

Photographing Portland: “It Was the Most Intense Night of the Last Five Years”

America is facing one of the most challenging times in modern history. A pandemic, protests, and abuse of power from those serving to protect are crushing the nation right now. Portland, often cited as the epicenter of liberal, progressive values, has seen some of the worst actions and aggravations from law enforcement in the whole of the United States. »

2020-08-10 13:00