
Adobe’s Generative AI Jumps The Shark, Adds Bitcoin to Bird Photo

Last year, Adobe updated its Firefly generative AI platform multiple times, the most recent coming in September. Over that time, the Lightroom and Photoshop tools that rely on the technology have gotten steadily worse and the system's choice to add a Bitcoin logo to a photo of a seagull is a perfect distillation of the problem. [Read More]

Adobe Camera Raw Review: A Major Improvement

The past decade has shown photographers that they should shoot tons and tons of photos only to worry about it all later in post-production. And it's resulted in many other problems that need to be solved.

The NEW HP 34 Desktop PC Has What Photographers Want

I think lots of photographers just want to sit there and stare at a massive screen when they're editing; at least those using PCs do. So that's probably why the new HP 34" Desktop PC will appeal to photographers; at least, that's one reason.

Real or Photoshop: How Much Photo Editing is Too Much?

There is a lot of discussion these days about the pros and cons of post-processing. Is it good or bad, why do we do it at all, shouldn’t photography be representative of reality? Authentic? Isn’t the image out of a camera the real thing? Isn’t editing cheating? [Read More]

AI Editing Will NOT Ruin Photography

AI is the #1 buzzword in the digital photography world. Skylum, which has ridden the AI photo editing craze better than any company, is about to release Luminar AI. ON1 now offers ON1 Portrait AI. DxO announced DxO DeepPRIME, which it describes as “an artificial intelligence technology dedicated to editing photos in RAW format.” Adobe […]

Cheap Photo: Fix Any Sky in Any Photo for Just $29, and More Big Deals

You know we love bringing you the best photography deals, and we have found some winners. Fix any sky in any photo with this easy to use bundle of sky replacements. It’s on sale for just $29! Tired of messing around with the cutout tool in Photoshop? CutOut 8 Pro makes this task easy, and it’s only $29! We’ve also found a deal for Affinity users too! Just $29.

5DayDeal: Learn from the Best for Just $89, Save a Massive $2,875

By now, you have likely seen and heard about the incredible Complete Photography Bundle 2020 from 5DayDeal. If you haven’t taken the plunge on this deal yet, you might want to act soon. At Noon PST on October 20th, this incredible deal will be gone forever.

Deal Alert: Free Photoshop 101, Joel Grime’s Brush Bundle $27, and More

It's time to stop being bullied by Photoshop. It's time to work smarter, not harder, and it's time to expand your knowledge. If you have always wanted to get to grips with Photoshop, you should sign up for Kelvin Pimont's FREE Photoshop 101 masterclass! This class will give you a Photoshop foundation you can build upon.

Flash Sale: Save up to 75% on Complete LR, PS, Capture One Guides

Lightroom, Photoshop, and Capture One 12 are all immense programs that can do so much, and honestly, they can be a little overwhelming at times. While we all know the basics of the software, I'm sure we would all love to know how to get the most out of our chosen software.

Please Stop Passing Off Your Composite Images as Photography

Photoshop lets us do many wonderful things. From simple edits, to complex transformations, the software has been the birth place of some spectacular work, but we have to start making a distinction between photography, and Photo-shopped/composite images which really aren't photographs at all.

Adobe подтвердила разработку полной версии Photoshop для iPad

Полноценный графический редактор будет доступен на iPad уже в следующем году. В июле мы писали о том, что Adobe работает над полноценной версией Photoshop для iPad, но тогда это была инсайдерская информация, без каких-либо конкретных дат.

Adobe выпустит полноценную версию Photoshop для iPad

По пока не подтвержденным данным, выход приложения запланирован на следующий год. Adobe планирует выпустить полноценный Photoshop для iPad. Этот шаг — часть новой стратегии компании: сделать полные версии своих программ доступными для всех платформ (и тем самым еще увеличить и без того очень высокие продажи по подписке).

Review: HP zBook X2 Tablet for Creative Professionals

When the HP zBook X2 was announced, I was pretty excited and had hopes in me that it would send a message to Apple. And over my month or so of using the HP zBook X2, I grew less and less tolerant of it vs the Apple ecosystem that I've been embedded in for almost 10 years now.

I Am Making Simple Photographs Surreal

In the middle of march I have met my friend that told me I have to be more unique creating my Instagram. I always wanted to mix photography with graphic design, even I never wanted to take pictures.

Help Us! Our Father Is A Photographer!

Usually, it’s a gradual transition, you go from zero kids to one kid to two. Gives you time to get used to the havoc. But sometimes, God blesses you with twins, going from zero to two (or rather zero to hundred) in a split of a second.

Getty Images запретил ретушировать тела моделей

После того, как французский закон обязал рекламодателей указывать на фото, что вес модели был отредактирован, фотосток решил больше не принимать подобных изображений. Сервис Getty Images запретил фотографии с ретушированными фигурами – он более не принимает снимки, где размеры тела отредактированы в большую или меньшую сторону.

Adobe Reports Record Revenue in the Third Quarter

Strong Cash Flow and Earnings Highlight Third Quarter Results SAN JOSE, Calif. — Sept. 19, 2017 — Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) today reported financial results for its third quarter fiscal year 2017 ended Sept.

В Photoshop появится новый инструмент – Curvature Pen

Новое перо упростит выделение изогнутых форм на фотографиях. На днях компания Adobe анонсировала новый инструмент для Photoshop – Curvature Pen Tool, “перо кривизны”. Он, вместе с рядом других функций, будет добавлен в графический редактор до конца этого года; правда, конкретных дат пока не называется.

Review: Lens Distortions (Photoshop Actions and Apple iOS App)

Lens Distortions arguably solves the problems that I've been having with photography for a while now: a clinically engineered lack of character into lenses that results in a sterile image which therefore doesn't make me want to purchase a product.

My Photo Project ‘Life Inside A Light Bulb’

I am Adrian Limani an Albanian self-taught photographer.I do different kind of photography and I also do conceptual photos basis in my own photos.This is one of my creative art photo collections that I have named "Life inside a Light bulb".

Используем легальный Photoshop и Lightroom

Запрос “Скачать Photoshop” один из самых популярных в фототематике. Но вы можете использовать Photoshop совершенно легально и очень не дорого. Всем известно, что компания Adobe прекратила продажу пожизненных лицензий на программное обеспечение, полностью перейдя на распространение по подписке посредством сервиса Creative Cloud.


How Adobe’s Neural Filters Make Colorizing Photos Way Easier

A growing trend among retouchers and editors in the last few years has been to repair vintage photographs that have faded and been damaged over time. In addition to this restoration work, “colorizing” vintage photographs has been experiencing explosive growth.

These Photoshop Brushes Let You Turn Photos Into Paintings Stroke-by-Stroke

Artist and designer Jessica Johnson of Creators Couture has created a unique set of Photoshop brushes that do something we haven’t seen before. Stroke by stroke, and controlled by brush size and direction, you can add an impressionist painting effect to all or part of your photos. The set is referred to comically as the […]

Low Contrast Photography and How to Correct it in Post-Processing

One of the most asked questions I get is how I add contrast to pictures taken in very low contrast conditions like dense fog. This made me think it would perhaps be of use to many of you if I wrote an article about contrast and how you can fix contrast issues in post processing. […]

We Surprised The Awesomeness Of Childhood In A Poppy Field

Hello! We are two Romanian creatives, based in Bucharest. We have a gray cat, an apartment photo studio and lots of imagination. Recently we created a little outdoors science-fiction story for two beautiful kids to capture how awesome childhood can be.
