In July 2016, 29-year-old Playboy model Dani Mathers was vilified by the international press and the online community for Snapchatting an image of an older woman undressing in an L. A Fitness shower area.
Months later, matters have reached an all new level of severity as Mathers faces an official criminal charge.
On Friday the Los Angeles city attorney’s office announced they were charging the 2015 Playmate of the year with a single count of misdemeanor invasion of privacy. If found guilty, Mathers could could face a potential penalty of up to six months in jail, as well as a US$1,000 fine.
Censored version /Dani Mathers /Snapchat
More than just the invasive aspect alone, it was the overall tone of Mathers’ post that has garnered such a high level of negative publicity. Split in two parts, one half of the image featured Mathers holding her hand over her mouth in a seemingly mock expression of horror, while the other half displayed an uncensored photo of an unaware and nude elderly female. Underneath a caption read, “If I can’t unsee this then you can’t either”. The perceived tastelessness of the image has led many to label it as body shaming, ageist, and threatening to women’s sense of safety in private spaces.
While Mathers does not deny taking the photo of the unnamed 70-year old she does claim that the image was intended to be sent as a private message to a friend. Following the immediate backlash Mathers posted an apology video on Snapchat claiming it was “Not what I meant to do”. She also Tweeted that she was sorry on her Twitter page before taking a two month sabbatical from the social network.
In the time between the event and this official charge however, public opinion has failed to be convinced by Mathers’ defense or swayed by her apology. In addition to constant assault from online commenters, she was suspended from her regular hosting position on KLOS 95. 5 radio’s “Heidi and Frank” show. She has also been banned from all nationwide branches of L. A Fitness.
I'm sorry for what I did. . . I need to take some time to myself now to reflect on why I did this horrible thing. Goodnight.
- Dani Mathers (@DaniMathers) July 14, 2016Embedded Javascript
A spokesperson from the gym chain (who were the first to officially bring this matter to the police), told TMZ, "Her behavior is appalling and puts every member's privacy at risk. "
Though it is admittedly unlikely that Mathers will face any actual jail time over this matter, to many the charges signify that action is finally being taken against casual online bullying through unauthorised photo sharing. Mathers is only an infinitesimal part of the larger problem but at this moment she serves as a figurehead.
. digitalrev.com2016-11-8 03:00