For a long time now, I've been a big fan of lots of the stuff that Lensbaby does, and with the Lensbaby 35mm f3. 5 Edge I feel like they're not doing anything particularly special aside from an update.
That's not to say that this is a bad product. In fact, it's a fun product. But for what it's worth, the Lensbaby 35mm f3. 5 Edge isn't as fun or as sharp as the company's longer focal lengths. You're sure to get that tilt-shift effect that people love to try to recreate using algorithms. However, when you use the Lensbaby 35mm f3. 5 Edge you start to see that this lens has a lot of character. From the way that it can deliver lens flares to the tiny sliver of semi-sharpness that it has in the center, the Lensbaby 35mm f3. 5 Edge can make any photographer have lots of fun if you just fully embrace it and throw all the conformities otherwise out the window. .
2019-7-3 07:00