Simply Beautiful. Field Work Slim Fixed Leather Camera Strap Review

In February, I bought myself a gift: a refurbished Canon Canonnet QL17 with tan leather. It's so gorgeous that even my reps from other companies and Canon's own have said that it's gorgeous. But it needed the right camera strap.

Luckily, we've reviewed the most of any photo publication, but even this one perplexed me. Which do I get? So I took to Etsy and bought one. That's the story of how the Field Work Slim Fixed Leather Camera Strap ended up on my Canonnet.  .

strap leather camera

2022-4-21 13:00

strap leather → Результатов: 12 / strap leather - фото

Opus Camera Strap Is Made Of Handcrafted Leather, Sailing Rope And Hardened Chrome Split Rings

Most photographers prefer to work with third party camera straps for many reasons, typically for having better functions or looking fashionable to match stylish camera designs. Opus has started a Kickstarter campaign to produce a camera strap that is handcrafted, made of real leather, sailing durable Polyester and hardened split rings. »

2016-11-30 23:05